Somehow many of the pictures within this blog became jumbled and I still have not taken the time to correct. The writings are from Koski's 2021 hike.
The Four Corners Loop is massive, so one is bound to have private property issues how do you get from a public land to a public parcel of land. One tool are used also came from my mapping software which still shows the tax parcels. This gave me an idea of who to look up and who owns what. Long story short, I need to write some letters, specifically to two very large ranches in New Mexico.
In the map above the lower orange lines pass to these two ranches, they also passed through some Bureau of Land parcels, and New Mexico state land. As far as I can tell I can just walk across the BLM land because this is owned by the public. The state land of New Mexico I need to get a $35 permit for. It is the large ranches I need land owner permission. Time to write a letter or two, or three, or four. Otherwise I’m gonna have to walk roads. The only area along this entire road that has significant private property issues is when I start south of Santa Fe. I almost called this trail the “western public loop” because the vast majority of it is public land that you and I own. I am very optimistic I will get permission because I will put it out there in the universe will listen.