Somehow many of the pictures within this blog became jumbled and I still have not taken the time to correct. The writings are from Koski's 2021 hike.
Thursday, September 9
After finishing the Four Corners Loop on September 8, 2021. I am now resting in Santa Fe New Mexico waking up in an amazing hotel bed and getting ready to go shopping for a shirt I can fly home in. Right now I am still slightly speechless, so when I collect my thoughts I will write a longer post. With that said the four corners soup was an amazing experience and I look forward to improving the experience for others to follow.
Friday, September 3 Intricacy it all matters While I take a break, laying in the grass I look over at each blade of grass and within two feet of my eyes I probably have 15 different types of plants. All small and intricate. I look at a rock flip it over, the smallest of smallest insects are crawling on the bottom and they have their own unique intricacies. The sound of the creek gurgling by me I hear because my ears hear through the molecules of air. The intricate properties of air allows me to hear the creek loud and clear. Moisture that has reached its condensation point in the sky forms clouds and blocks the sun briefly changing the way the intricate energetic photons hit my face. The peppered beef jerky I’m eating was created by a craftsman from Santa Fe, somebody that knows just the right size to grind the pepper so flavors the meat as it’s drying. The Jersey it has its own intricate properties and it’s on intricate taste. This led me to think about you, my sister, my wife, and somebody I’ve never met on the other side of the world. Each one of us are different and intricate, and in special ways all of this interesting intricacy comes together interacting in ways we never think about. So yes it all matters. Some of these are natural processes driven by nature and the laws that drive nature each day. But some are tied in with our conscious mind and probably conscious minds of other animals that we don’t have the ability to understand. This summer has giving me the time to slow down and look at all the interesting intricate natural surroundings. There are many many millions of tiny little details I do not see because they are so abundant, but if I didn’t see them, they still do matter. When I come home I look forward to taking the time to relish in the intricacies of my community, and people who surround me, and especially you. Thank you for reading. We all matter, you matter everything matters. I Love you and have a nice day. Give someone a smile for me. Tomorrow I leave for the final section of the Four Corners Loop from Angel Fire NM back to the town square in Santa Fe.
Today was a good rest day, I needed it. Today is one of the wettest and torrential rainiest days of the entire summer. It’s absolutely pouring out right now and I am actually feeling a little under the weather. I will rest well tonight, sleep in then repack all my gear I photographed today. In the morning I will get ready for the final 108+ miles ahead of me. I always knew I would be successful in finishing this giant hiking loop, it was never in doubt in my mind. I am looking forward the feelings, tears of joy and the explosion of memories that will flutter through my mind. I thank you all for following me on my fabulous journey this summer. You are my trail companions, angles and it is a pleasure to share my epic experience with you. As astronaut Scott Kelly says “you go to heaven when you are born,” I spent this summer just walking, listening and watching my circular slice of heaven. “Hike your own hike” they say, and I did! |