Somehow many of the pictures within this blog became jumbled and I still have not taken the time to correct. The writings are from Koski's 2021 hike.
The Cocoon sleeping bag liner sold at REI is always too narrow for me, and I keep tearing it to shreds. I got tired of replacing a $60 piece of gear, so I bought my own silk which is a pretty orange and can be used for an emergency attraction device. Using the orange silk made my own wider silk bag liner. It is open on one side eliminating stress points which caused tearing of the Cocoon brand. It is a good thing I had sewing class in middle school.
Planing and preparing for my hike on the Four Corners Loop is on schedule for 2020. As we approach 2021 tomorrow, I feel like my planing and packing efforts will continue to fall into place as they always have. Why is this the case? Because my positive thoughts are creating my future. Everything I have always thought about has taken place. I am always thinking about what I have to accomplish, then taking action on my thoughts. So through actions directed by my positive outlook I will be ready for my planned adventure and I am ready to share it with you.
I want to share my experiences, so you feel like you are traveling along with me. For you to experience the FCL, I need to describe the views, smells, winds, sunny days and old clear nights. The darkness of the night sky speckled with stars and the glorious Milky away will be lived under as I will also live under moon shadows cast by the towering sandstone cliffs. People and small towns will be part of my experience as will long durations of time alone watching every rock and blade of grass pass behind me as push forward. So, for you to be part of the experience, I am about to package more food. Imagine placing 300 grams of food in vacuum bags, imagine the vibrating sounds of a vacuum pump, vibrating hands, as the package shrinks waiting for the “ready” green light. Stop and repeat for 120 pounds of food. I always thought a factory worker would make a good long distance hiker. I do like repetitive processes. I am just over three months away from starting the hike tonight I am preparing Buckwheat with Cranberry, Buckwheat with Chia seeds and I took some muesli mix added some syrup and honey to it to make it taste not awful. These will be placed on the dehydrator fully dried and then packaged in airtight packages ready for me to munch and nurture myself as I walk along my journey. Above is the version with cranberries. Above is the version with Chia seeds.
A large part of the hiking trip is not the physical hiking, but is actually planning and one’s mental preparation. I am four months away from the start of a grand adventure. Not only do I have to prepare more food and continue to dial in my pack, but I also have to be mentally prepared.
I do this by visualizing the route like a world class bobsled team. Then I and share my thoughts with others. Now is not the time to doubt yourself. So here is to the Four Corners Loop, I am creating a route to be enjoyed that will continue to make me smile in a life I have so much to smile for. |